Call or Visit

We are located on the 11th floor of building #6 of the Landmark offices at 1631 Dickson Ave.

Please check in with the receptionist and someone will be with you shortly.



Kelowna Brain Sciences is not a 24-hour Counselling centre. If you are experiencing an emergency please call 911 or contact the Emergency Department at your local hospital. If you are not experiencing an emergency but need to speak to someone immediately please dial:

  • 310-1234 (YOUTH IN BC)

  • 1-800-784-2433 (ADULTS)

1631 Dickson Ave Suite 1100, Kelowna BC, V1Y 0B5

KBS Office Phone: 778-484-8146

Fax No. 250-837-4013

Monday – Friday: 9AM – 6PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed



General Inquiries

Most of the photographs on this website are by Nic Stover. His work can be found at